The Plant Doctor: How to control large lubber grasshoppers

Question. I am having a losing battle with giant yellow grasshoppers. They eat the blooms and leaves of my hibiscus overnight plus my giant lilies....

October 7, 2023
1:12 PM

Question. I am having a losing battle with giant yellow grasshoppers. They eat the blooms and leaves of my hibiscus overnight plus my giant lilies. Any ideas on how to control? Answer. Join the crowd of Florida gardeners doing battle with the large lubber grasshoppers. They started off small and black in the spring, then grew to the three-to-four-inch-long yellow and brown monsters. Your email said you have used various insecticides that give little control. Some gardeners report direct spraying with some aerosol-containing garden insecticides works, but you have to hit the critters.

Tom Maccubbin