This week in West Orange County history: April 20, 2023

OLD TIMES 90 years ago Florida's citrus crop was going to market in crates made almost entirely of Florida-grown wood. It was estimated the 1922-23...

April 25, 2023
6:38 AM

OLD TIMES 90 years ago Florida's citrus crop was going to market in crates made almost entirely of Florida-grown wood. It was estimated the 1922-23 crop would total 18.5 million crates shipped by freight, boat and express. In addition to crates, Florida timber was used by the citrus industry for fence posts, picking ladders, field boxes, truck bodies, packing houses and grove owners' and caretakers' homes. Griffin Chevrolet Company in Winter Garden featured a Chevrolet six-cylinder closed car for as little as $445.

Amy Quesinberry